TCP Server help needed

I want my UE4 application (on server) to send data via TCP to another computer (client). For now, let us have the client and server both be on localhost. IP: Port 15000

I do NOT want to use an actor or pawn or something else - I want this to be in a separate class that I can use in a way like: myDataSender.send(data);

Now, I have seen Ramas tutorial and tried many others. I can get the socket to connect on the server and the client appears to connect. However, no data appears to be sent - although, I am not exactly sure how to test that other than by having a breakpoint on my client to see when data arrives.

Here is what I am doing in my UE4 server application:


class ImageDataSender

	FSocket* TCPSocket;
	bool Connect(FIPv4Address ipAddress, int port);
	bool Send(const uint8 * data, int32 dataSize, int32 bytesSent);

	bool IsConnected();



bool ImageDataSender::Connect(FIPv4Address ipAddress, int port) {

	TSharedRef<FInternetAddr> address = ISocketSubsystem::Get(PLATFORM_SOCKETSUBSYSTEM)->CreateInternetAddr();

	TCPSocket = FTcpSocketBuilder("ImageSocket")
		//.Listening(8)//max number of connections allowed before refusing
	bool didConnect;

	if (TCPSocket) {
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Socket Created! Connecting to server..."));
		didConnect = TCPSocket->Connect(*address);
	else {
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Socket not created..."));

	if (didConnect) {
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Socket Connected!"));
	else {
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Failed to connect!!"));


bool ImageDataSender::IsConnected() {

	if (TCPSocket == nullptr) {

	ESocketConnectionState connectionState = TCPSocket->GetConnectionState();

	if (connectionState == ESocketConnectionState::SCS_Connected) {
	else {


bool ImageDataSender::Send(const uint8 * data, int32 dataSize, int32 bytesSent) {
	if (IsConnected()) {
		TCPSocket->Send(data, dataSize, bytesSent);


If I uncomment the line //.Listening(8), the didConnect == false. I feel that I should be using .Listening so that the server listens for incoming connection requests, but am not sure what I am doing wrong.

If someone could give me a sample of how to set this up, I’d really appreciate it.

Also, for what it is worth, my client is in c#.

I use a TCP server in one of my plugins and it works like a charm. Give it a try: GitHub - moritz-wundke/UnrealRemote: JSONRPC Socket server to enable remote access to both the editor and a packaged game.

Thank you. I’ve actually managed to figure this out using the FLiveEditorListenServer plugin available in UE4 source code.

Nice! So if your issues are solved just accept the answer so others will benefit ftom it too ^^