Tcp into 4.11?

Has anyone successfully got a tcp inward connection running in 4.11? I have tried using fSockets from scratch, I have tried a UDP connection to see if that is easier, and I have tried Rama’s code.

A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements and Releases - Unreal Engine Forums,Receive_Binary_Data_From_an_IP/Port_Into_UE4,(Full_Code_Sample)

Just cannot get it to connect properly. With Rama’s code, it will not connect, and with UDP it sends data, but will not receive.

Any assistance/pointers greatly appreciated, this is driving me crazy.


Hello antithing ,

I currently facing this problem as well , I had been trying to add Rama code to my project but see not result. Are you able to solve this problem? If yes,can you share with us ?

Right now, I am trying to send data from UE4 to C# window form. If you happened to to know anything, please share it as well.

Many Thank !!

If you are new to network programming, you can refer to following code of mine, it be used for client. If you’re familiar with networking, I recommend to use BSD API or network library(e.g. boost::asio, RakNet), not use FSocket of UE4, especially on server-side.


FSocket* ClientSock;

bool Connected_;

HRecvThread RecvThread;


void MyTcpClient::Init()
	if (ClientSock)
	ClientSock = ISocketSubsystem::Get(PLATFORM_SOCKETSUBSYSTEM)->CreateSocket(NAME_Stream, TEXT("default"), false);

bool MyTcpClient::Connect(const char* IP, int Port)
	if (Connected_)
		return true;
	FString address(IP);
	int32 port = 3001;

	FIPv4Address ip;
	FIPv4Address::Parse(address, ip);

	TSharedRef<FInternetAddr> addr = ISocketSubsystem::Get(PLATFORM_SOCKETSUBSYSTEM)->CreateInternetAddr();

	RecvThread.Start(ClientSock, this);

	Connected_ = ClientSock->Connect(*addr);
	return Connected_;

bool MyTcpClient::Send(uint8* Data, int Len)
	if (!ClientSock || !Connected_)
		return false;

        //if you send data in multi-thread situation, you need to copy data to a new byte array
	uint8* send_buf = Data;

	int total_send = 0;
	int req_send = Len;
	while (total_send < req_send)
		int32 sentLen = 0;
		bool successful = ClientSock->Send(send_buf + total_send, req_send - total_send, sentLen);
		if (!successful)
			UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("[MyTcpClient::Send]send failed!! dataLen=%d, sentLen=%d"), req_send - total_send, sentLen);
			return false;
		total_send += sentLen;

	return true;

void MyTcpClient::Close()

	if (ClientSock)
		ClientSock = NULL;
	Connected_ = false;


class MyRecvThread : public FRunnable

	void Start(FSocket* CliSock, MyTcpClient* const TcpCLient);

	// Begin FRunnable interface.  
	//virtual bool Init();
	uint32 Run() override;
	//virtual void Stop();
	//virtual void Exit();
	// End FRunnable interface  
	void Stop();

	FRunnableThread* Thread;
	FSocket* ClientSocket;
	FThreadSafeBool Started;

	MyTcpClient* TcpClient;


void MyRecvThread::Start(FSocket* CliSock, MyTcpClient* const TcpCLient)
	ClientSocket = CliSock;
	this->TcpClient = TcpCLient;
	Thread = FRunnableThread::Create(this, TEXT("FPrimeNumberWorker"), 0, TPri_BelowNormal);

uint32 MyRecvThread::Run()
	uint8 buf[512];
	uint8* recv_buf = buf;
	int readLenSeq = 0;

	while (Started)
		uint32 Size;
		if (ClientSocket->HasPendingData(Size))
			int32 bytesRead = 0;
			ClientSocket->Recv(recv_buf, readLenSeq, bytesRead);
			//your code to handle byte array


	if (Thread)
		delete Thread;
		Thread = NULL;

	return 0;

void MyRecvThread::Stop()

add Networking Dependency in the constructor of *.Build.cs(e.g. MyProj.Build.cs):

PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string] { "Sockets", "Networking" });

You might want to install Microsoft Message Analyzer to actually see the traffic and help diagnose problems.