3rd party Company Tax Solutions are non-responsive and I cannot complete the onboarding process.
The Epic team have been helpful and instructed me that I need to submit the outstanding documents to them, as they are unable to assist in this regard (IE: it’s tax related and 3rd party). I have since submitted the documents to taxclientsupport-epicgames@taxidentity.com several times, with several follow up emails asking for an acknowledgement of receipt, or feedback of any sort. This was first submitted to them 28th of Aug 23, and again Mon 4th Sept.
I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place with no way of resolving anything, since I do not know if they received the docs, if the docs comply, if they are in process or anything of the sort.
Not so much as an automated response has been received.
If I attempt to submit / verify my details on the Epic portal, I receive “bad Request” error and cannot proceed.
Does any body have any suggestions as to what I should do about this situation?