task)ewards$PlayTime:Update (Unknown source) (Source: Unknown(0,0, 0,0))

Dear Friends at Epic,

I need a solution for this issue. I don’t know what is causing my custom map to freeze suddenly while playing. The ping spikes, and there are a lot of frame drops, then it stabilizes, and the game continues normally. After a while, the issue happens again.

** i think the issue from custom rank verse system**

Verse unrecoverable error: ErrRuntime_Internal: An internal runtime error occurred. There is no other information available. (Internal error encountered: Attempted to access Rewards_2147482646 via property _Self, but Rewards_2147482646 is not valid (pending kill or garbage).)

Truncated callstack follows:
task)ewards$PlayTime:Update (Unknown source) (Source: Unknown(0,0, 0,0))


code map : 6980-3499-2596


Can you post your Verse code? I’ve seen this kind of behavior when I’m creating objects too quickly for them to be cleaned up. I’m not 100% sure how Verse handles garbage collection.

hi @qqe , @Shabuway
the code is most likely
Verse-Scripts/CustomRankSystem at main · PiEqualsThree/Verse-Scripts · GitHub

This has been used many times. this like any code like a lot of Verse code cannot cope with high resource usage

the fix to your code is to prefix your code with


name() : type = codeblock
this would stop the runtime errors and allow checking as returns Boolean true / false

if(name()<decides><transacts> : type = codeblock)

This very pseudo code as we speculate on your code
the example code does not need this as it uses sleep() function before doing transactions
see documentation
Specifiers and Attributes in Verse | Unreal Editor for Fortnite Documentation | Epic Developer Community

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