>Target Relative Location/Rotation> Nodes, where can I find them?

I’m working with help from another answer I got from the Hub, but for life of me I just can’t find these two nodes. I think the bubbles on the top-right corner means they’re collapsed or something, but without knowing what they look like expanded I can’t know I have the right nodes to work with.

If someone could help me find what I’m looking for, I’d be super grateful.

Thanks a ton in advance!

I think they only work with components from blueprints, not actors.
Is the ‘thing’ you are trying to get the node from a component?

Also, a good tip whenever you know the node’s name but can’t get it is to disable the ‘Context sensitive’ check box from the pop up nodes menu.

I hope it helps. :wink:

Yeah I picked up on the Context Sensitive bit but it doesn’t seem to reveal what I need. Here’s the help page I’m working from:

As to whether what I’m missing are components, not that the page said.