One of my teammates used GetWorldLocation and at certain point the packaged build did not work anymore. I happend to found out it was the target point, but we did not realized it was due Target Point → Get World Location.
The GetWorldLocation setting to zeroes is a known issue for mobile, is that the platform for which you are packaging? I did not see a packaged version in your zipped project, only the uproject. Does the location reset when you play in editor on the mobile preview?
We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.
Thank you.
I have added the crash log as requested and saw in the crash log that there is some stack overflow in UObject.h. Since I do not have the source version of the engine I have no clue what may cause it and how to fix it. I have also updated the description and added that this problem occurred for the platform Windows.
I was not able to upload a packaged build due 201MB filesize and 5MB upload limit. So you have to package the project yourself, my excuses for this.
I hope I have reported enough information for you for further investigation. If you miss anything feel free to let me know.
I have used your project to try and reproduce the crash in binary editor 4.7.6. When I play in editor I can see the BP_Box move as intended.
I unlinked the Get Actor Location node and only used the Get World Location node. I was able to package for Win 64 without error, however when I ran the project .exe I just get a black screen and no crash. Had you seen this behavior in your project at any point?
Target Point Actor > “Get World Location” = Causes black screen and can’t continue to start the level. Since I was not sure if this is a crash or a bug, the application doesn’t run normally as expected, I have reported this as a crash.
A fix to a similar issue to yours should have been included in the 4.8 preview 2 update. Can you try making a copy (do not convert in place) of your project and attempting the same blueprints setup in the preview and see if you’re seeing the same issue?
I have tried it with Unreal Engine 4.8 Preview 3, and noticed some extra changes in the nodes (See the screenshot with the red square as highlight). After package the project, I have no black screen anymore. Except the Platform still moves to Location 0,0,0.
I have more information about the SpriteComponent location issue. This is by design; the SpriteComponent will soon not exist in packaged builds (for perf reasons), so you have to use the RootComponent instead.