Target not properly being registered by AI Turret

I have a system where a turret will aim at an actor designated as “target.” With the originally placed target, the turrets will follow it. However if I spawn in a new “target” actor, the turrets do not follow it and instead give me this error.

Here is the blueprint system I have used to spawn and destroy actors which are called every tick (so it aims where the player is looking, ignore the E start function). The actors spawned off of this code do not get registered by the turret due to them “pending kill.”

This is the part of the code that arises an issue, when the turret tries to register the location of the new target that is spawned it gives the error line mentioned above.

If anybody could help explain why this might be happening I would genuinely appreciate it. Thanks!

I added to the get target location function an isValid for the new target that is spawned. It makes the turrets not move, so something is making my new targets invalid. Any ideas?

Nevermind. There was an issue in another part of the code, targets were only assigned on startup of the game instead of every second.