Target movement by command

Been making a shooting range sim for a while now, I’ve reached the step of pressing a key to set the distance of the target (atm PgUP pushes it further and PgDOWN brings it closer).
Saw some tips of having the inputs in the player BP to avoid problems in the future, but this is having some issues

  1. Nothing I try to put into the Object node in the Cast To BP_TestTarget works it either doesn’t work/isn’t compatible or says it’s already the BP and would either always fail or not need to be cast to that.
    2.Maybe a consequence of 1 but the input is not passing through, no input is beign given, even when I put the input directly on the BP_Target and with “Auto Receive Input” enabled and configured.

Any suggestions?

Player BP

Target BP

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On the player BP

Put a print string after the key nodes to check they are firing…

You don’t need to cast, because you already have the target BP reference.

Like this?

Also put the print text after the Event call in BP_Player and it didn’t show anything

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Yes, did you switch the input option on?

Yup, both on BP_Player and the Target BP for good measure

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All I can tell you, is this works

Maybe try it with P and O, in case you have num lock on, or something…

Tried with both P and O and adding an input action and the old input action mapping in the project settings and connecting the print directly to the event and somehow it still didn’t work.

I have no clue why it’s not working

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Try setting the event to not consume input

I swear I opened the project today and it just decided to work lol

Thanks for the help anyways!

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