Hi, i need some help from you, guys!
I have an AI, where i use Get player Character → Cast to PlayerBP → Get (or Set) construction. I updated the project to 4.10.2 and a strange bug appeared. I have a TestMap level, which is editor startup map, and there is an instance of my AI on this level. When i delete this instance, save the level and restart UE, a lot of errors appear: nodes require Placeholder-Class Player instead of usual Player Class. And if i set another level as an editor startup map, errors disappear.
There is part of the AI blueprint on the screenshot. SetTarget is function declared in parent for all AI blueprint, that is why it’s target is self. After the function runs, i need to assign null to the TargetActor in PlayerBP. Before restart UE4 everything fine, but after restart - node is broken.
I get the same errors in the log when i package my project for Windows. Does anyone know if i’ve done something wrong in my project or it is an Unreal Engine bug? I found similar issue on AnsweHub: [4.9.2] Widget Component Class resets - UI - Epic Developer Community Forums. Does my error associated with the same bug (UE-21098)?