Target DEVELOPMENT and SHIPPING for dedicated server


I am testing Unreal Engine 5.1.1 with git sources to be able to create a dedicated server under Windows 11.

The developement process is OK with C++ to initiate the project from Visual with the target DEVELOPMENT EDITOR.

Then, the following document is OK to create the client part and the server part : Setting Up Dedicated Servers in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

The development server and client run well on Windows 11.

But, when it comes time to release everything with the targets SHIPPING CLIENT and SHIPPING SERVER, the packaging is correct but the server part open a black command window without any clue. The server process stays stuck without any information.

Am I alone in this situation or anyone have the same issue ?
Maybe I missed something and if it is the case if someone could help, it would be wonderful.

Logging is not enabled by default in shipping which is probably why you are not getting any log output.

You can enable logging in shipping in the target file.

If you are using steam online subsystem then that is probably not initializing correctly on the server. Plenty of posts on this subject already.


It seems you right, no log with shipping target.

But I compiled everything with errors and the server did not work correctly.

Finally, I tried to recompile and everything is all right now.

Thank you.

Hey hello, I have this problem too, can you please help me, how can I solve this problem?