TAO - 3D Animation Powered By Unreal Engine

Hi All UE5 Fan:
After a few months of putting the story together, my new short “TAO” is finally live on YouTube. I used Metahuman characters, Audio2Face for the face animation, and Maximo for body animation to create this short film, and I’m happy with the result. I hope you enjoy it as much as I created it (pain and joy together).
If you’re interested, please don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe to my channel. Your support is my motivation!

In a quaint, mystical store, a young lady stumbles upon an old man who claims to sell everything she needs. Intrigued and hopeful, she asks for solutions to the world’s greatest problems. However, the angel reveals a profound truth.

:star2: Writer & Director: Mark Chua
:movie_camera: Indie Filmmaker & Production: Mark Chua
:video_game: Animation Powered by:
Unreal Engine 5.3
Nvidia Audio2face
Adobe Mixamo

Assets Used:
Epic Marketplace


Hi there @Mark_Chua11 ! Welcome back to posting with us here on the forums.

Tao was very interesting. I didn’t know what to expect initially but I was pleasantly surprised. Your visuals and storytelling are quite lovely throughout the animation. Do you think you’ll be aiming for something longer in the future based on interest?

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Hi @The_M0ss_Man Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m glad you enjoyed “Tao.” My goal is to gradually delve into the wisdom of ancient teachings through films, and maybe eventually create a full-length movie. Using Unreal Engine has been a dream come true, as it allows me to bring my visions to life. Your support means a lot to me!


Hi there @Mark_Chua11,

Hope you’re well!

I’m totally piggybacking off @The_M0ss_Man here to say the storytelling is spectacular. Every bit of dialogue felt meaningful and thoughtfully written. Inspiring work, friend. Hope to see more of your art around here :slight_smile:

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Hi @PresumptivePanda
Thanks so much for your kind words! I’m really glad to be here too and thrilled you enjoyed the story. Your support means a lot. Looking forward to sharing more of my work with you all!


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