Tank AI Movement

Hi Everybody,
I am working on a Tank Game and at the Moment I am working on the AI.
I have a problem withe my tank movement.
When the tank is moving to a point or player it is not behaving like a vehicle but a human. That means that the tank is basically instead of taking a turn it is driving towards the point while rotating, so it looks like it is drifting to turn.
How can I make the Tank movement restricted to look more like a vehicle?

Thanks in advance.

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You’d probably need to make a custom movement system, i assume you’re using AIMoveTo which will have other problems too since its uses the capsule collision and not the tank collision.

there is no easy answer here but i do believe EPIC is developing a new movement system. Mover 2.0

Hey thanks for the answer!

First I checked out the Chaos vehicle, but I dont need wheels and skeletal mesh stuff. This all looks way to much setup for the simple thing I need.

So for my player pawn I already had a “tank move forward backward” and a “tank rotate” function in c++. (My tank is just a statikmc mesh base and a turret).
I made in c++ actor comp with the same functions and made them Blueprint callable.

I want the AI controller to use the functions. Do I do that in the controller or in the behavior tree? And can the ai controller generate input like floats, like a real human controller?

So how are you currently moving it? give us a foundation and we can build upon it.