Title: Taming Fire
Video URL: Taming Fire on Vimeo
Student Submission: No
Credits to sourced content & references:
MetaHuman Characters: Dhruv & Bernice
Bernice Kenpo Style Animation Reference: #martialartist #karate #kenpo #karateka #lakeatitlan #americankenpo #k... | TikTok
Furthermore, the inspiration for Dhruv’s meditation animation was derived from the spiritual practices of Subcontinent meditation, particularly the Khafi Zarbi Zikr, which aims to conquer one’s inner self. These practices have been passed down, over centuries, through the esteemed lineage of Silsila Jahangiri and continue to be embraced by followers of the Spiritual Order of Naqeebi Silsila.
Unreal Engine Environment: MW Broadleaf Trees Forest Biome
by MAWI United (https://mawiunited.com/)
(MW Broadleaf Trees Forest Biome in Environments - UE Marketplace)
Screenshot of project in-editor:
Taming Fire is a poetic take on Furious Elegance Theme.
Being Warriors in a war to conquer their greatest foe, themselves. An endless battle where grace and honor come only with scars of time.
Bernice and Dhruv represent two stages of life, Youth & Sage both in meditation to conquer Physical & Spiritual Battlefields respectively.
I wanted to approach this short story project to be completely based on Unreal Engine, as per requirement, the challenge was a good learning direction.
Using Control Rig to animate MetaHumans, and using latest 3D Niagra fluid system for the Fire symbolism.
Compiling Shots in Master Sequence and using Movie Render Queue to test how much raw quality can be squeezed from Unreal Engine given a limited time.
In conclusion, for me “Taming Fire” stands as a testament to the fusion of artistry and technical expertise, showcasing the possibilities that Unreal Engine offers within a limited timeframe. It has been a remarkable journey of growth and learning, opening doors to new realms of creativity and professional development.
Engine version: Unreal Engine 5.2.0