Tall trees point cloud issues


I’m currently working on a project involving tall trees, taller than the houses.
I’ve got a point cloud issue. In fact, when i proceed alignment tall trees seems not to be recognize or analyze by RC. I read that it could be due to shadows or light.

In that case, i only have void in my point cloud 3D model, where trees are supposed to be.

It’s more obvious when i start reconstruction, some strange polygons appeared.

I tried a lot of differents aligmnent and layout settings.
Is this problem due to an algorithm ? Is it possible to fix it ?

Thank you for helping me and sorry for my english, i tried my best !

Have a great day.

Hi Hugø,
according to your images the roof should look better.
For drone dataset there is a problem with the trees. As they are captured from not so high height, there are too different between aligned images and therefor the model is not so precise. To get better trees model you need to capture also from higher height.

Hi otrhan,

Could you be more specific about “not so high height”. We did 3 different try, at 40, 60 and 100 meters and we have the same issues for all test. Should we try 200 meters or more ?

40 and 60 is definitely not so high. 100 could be enough, but it also depends on the way how the images were captured.
Were you capturing using double grid? Are 190 images from all three flights?

What is “double grid” mean ?

No, it didn’t. This 190 images test has been realized between 60-80 meters (40 and 100 are from others independant test).
Also, we photographed all images in differents angles and trajectories. From top and oblique view.

I precise that we edited images in Metashape and there wasn’t any issues. Everyting is fonctionnal.

Double grid is a way how to capture images, like on this image: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Double-Grid-flight-path-black-with-sample-images-red_fig3_316473258
By edited images in MS do you mean that you processed the project there?
What were your reconstruction settings?

So yes, we did double grid flights.

Yes, we imported images in MS then proceeded to the alignment, reconstruction and texture. It took 10 hours, that’s why we prefer using RC.
It was default reconstruction settings, we modify nothing.

Would it be possible to share your data with us to check them?

Yes, it’s possible.

Here is a MEGA link to download my data :

I am sorry, but we are not allowed to download data from external sources. I sent you the invitation to BOX. Can you please upload your data there?

Sure, I understand, i’ll do it.

Is it good for you ?

Yes, thank you for the data.
For me, there is no enough images for such model and also the images are captured a little bit chaotic.

The model looks like this:

but as I wrote the trees could be problematic for photogrammetry.
In this case it would be better to use all data together and also add another height. Also, capturing in cloudy days could help.

Thank you.

We will try soon to take pictures by following your advice !