Talks And Demos: Nanite for Artists | GDC 2024

Much has changed with Nanite since it was first released in Early Access. During that time, artists have been exploring what is possible with technology. In this session, we demonstrate the best way to build with Nanite, explore the tough edge cases, and create assets that work well across all platforms.

About the tree generation. This is great but we’re missing a bit of info on the property used in the nodes and there is also one custom node called BPPCG LookAt. Would be cool to have access to the project to see how all of this is done.

Nice presentation and one thing I learnt from this was the r.Nanite.DicingRate command, some points I did not understand:
1- About building trees modularly which makes instance count go up, I thought nanite could handle 55k UNIQUE meshes IIRC so shouldn’t affect it much right? or am I missing something?
2- I thought the point of nanite was to eliminate LODs and billboards, I know it’s a workaround but wish there was a better alternative.
3- Anything about dynamic displacement? meaning it will add vertices proportional to the displacement map displacement magnitude.