Talks And Demos: Extending Unreal Engine to Create the StoryTech of ‘Hogwarts Legacy’ | Unreal Fest 2023

In this session, we’ll outline how we extended the core capabilities of Unreal Engine to create solutions customized for the advanced storytelling needs of our Hogwarts Legacy production. Unreal Engine was at the heart of all of our StoryTech solutions, from scripted mission flow, to full cinematics generated at runtime. These solutions were used to drive the foreground storytelling, as well as filling the background with ambient life. They facilitated our daily production reviews, and were even used to make trailers and other marketing materials.

In this session, we’ll review key extensions made to the Details panel, the Node Graph Editor, preview scenes, and even the Sequencer timeline. Participants will get a taste of the possibilities provided by the Unreal Engine, beyond what comes out of the box, and gain new ideas for meeting the custom needs of their own projects.