Taking user text input and transferring it onto a block?

Hi there!,

Because I am more of a designer than a programmer, i’m taking full advantage of the blueprint system. I was wondering if someone can assist me here.

I’m currently working on a game that I believe might help people study. The concept is to allow the user to create notes in a 3D space to give the notes context. For example, the user will type in their input and the notes will appear in game on a block or cube. The cube has to be able to readjust to the size of the note when spawned. This is where I’m running into the most trouble. I don’t know how I can get the user to type something in the HUD multi-line text box and save that information for it to be transferred on to a re sizable cube. IF I get that to work, I am going to move on to creating objects and silly models of things to help make notes more memorable. Such as creating party hats, tables, teddy bears, beer bottles, etc so the user can play this around his or her level to maybe make their own narrative for their notes. For example, “I think these 4 points are super important so I’m going to place each point on a chair with a party hat on each one”. The game is meant to give the user the ability to play around with their notes so that ‘interaction’ will help reinforce their memory of their notes. Rather than remembering what they wrote down or typed out, they remember what they did with that piece of information.

Thanks to anyone who can help me figure out how to transfer user input and place it on a block!


Hello mrsmarties,

I was able to create a quick example of how this could be accomplished. I hope that this can get you pointed in the correct direction.


Here I have created a new widget blueprint. I have used a multi-line editable text box and I have wrapped it with a size box. For the Multi-Line Text box all I did was set “Size to Content” to true. For the Size box I set the Desired width to a constant (this was cosmetic). You will also see an image. This was optional, it was used as a background so as to make things easier to see. The only thing that was changed for the image was it’s color and it’s anchors. I set the anchors to full screen.

I then created an actor blueprint and I added a widget component to it. After this I used the blueprint below to resize it so that it would match the text.

Make it a great day