TakeRecorder sequence actor transforms warped while rendering

Hey guys,
I’m running in a bit of a problem here, I cannot show the specific issue due to contracting details but i’ll try to explain as best as i can:

I have a simulation set up, which spawns actors in a scene which behave autonomously in the world. Additionally i have sequence set up with a cinecam and some other things manipulating the world which may or may not affect the sim.

Now in order to get reproduceable results from the sim i’m baking it using the Take Recorder. So far so good (aside from it crashing more often than not when ending the take). The baked sim sequence playback looks good in the editor; all skeletal animations are nicely baked into anim sequences, each actor has its own sub sequence with relevant (and irrelevant) transform tracks.
(as an aside: Can you filter out which tracks you actually want to have recorded? I dont need empty transform tracks for each SceneComponent in the actor)

Now, when rendering the sim with MRQ I get a weird issue:
Some actors, not all of them, start to turn around (exclusively around the z-axis), mostly 90 degrees, appearing to strafe on their path (or rather drift or slide). Other actors may also slide but to a lesser degree. Like i said i cannot show the issue unfortunately, but it only happens in the render.

Like I said, the baked AnimSequence for the SkeletalMesh looks good, no wonky curves there. The transform track for the actor has a good density of keyframes, so there is likely no interpolation issue. I tried using different settings on the TakeRecorder, like not using sub-sequences per actor (which just seems to be more crash prone), adjustments to the time dilation while recording, setting the transform track to quaternion interpolation.

It doesn’t seem to matter whether I render with low or high samples, and i have no clue what settings i should check further. Even chatgpt wasn’t helpful (which it occasionally is x)

As this is rather time critical, I’m very greatful for any response or guess, even if its a shot in the dark.

Thank you!

Edit: One additional information that might be of interest is that in every render the same actors always behave the same. There doesn’t appear to be randomness involved in this, so it would be caused by something that is reproducable/deterministic. I just wish i knew what it was :slight_smile: