Take Recorder suddenly only 10 FPS when recording, 40-50 earlier, please help


I have successfully earlier used Take Recorder to make fly-through or walk-through clips of my level in play mode (source: player). It has worked fine, the Take Recorder session has not reduced FPS remarkably.

Now I haven’t used Take Recorder for several weeks but when I try to use it now, I get 10 FPS every time :open_mouth:

I have tried same project (5.1) that worked fine earlier, same result, unusably low FPS. Same for any new or old project, even with UE 5.0 (though I never used Take Recorder with it so I have no comparison).

The FPS is fine until I actually start recording, no matter if I’m in play mode or just in editor.
I have the latest NVIDIA drivers and all updates to Win10 and all software.

Has anyone else experienced similar? Any ideas are very welcome :slight_smile:
Is there some console variable that might affect this or some other more or less ‘hidden’ setting somewhere?

My system is AMD Ryzen 32-core, 64GB RAM, RTX 3090, Win10 so that should not be the problem :wink:

Please help me!

does the issue occur when you are recording? or playback? or both?

how many objects and what types are you recording?

Solved, solution found here: https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/fps-drops-when-opening-context-menu-in-unreal-engine/731102/4

It had nothing to do with UE, it was Riva Tuner which is installed by default with MSI Afterburner (great HW monitor) but Riva caused all this mess :open_mouth:

After uninstalling Riva Tuner, no FPS drops on tooltips or buttons and most significantly, no FPS drops on Take Recorder!

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