Take recorder not recording all dynamically spawned actor components

Take recorder only records every other spawned actor component. After the take recorder has finished and the recorded sequence is opened in the sequencer, the recorder components are named in odd numbers only (eg. Component_1, Component_3). In this case, even numbers are missing. Sometimes they are also named in only even numbers with odd numbers missing but that is less common. Examining the sequence further shows that some actor components were not registered into the sequence. This makes it unreliable for recording actors where components are spawned on the fly. Can anyone please help?

I’m searching for a solution too. My car should assemble after BeginPlay: so, the body of the car and its wheels and brake calipers are spawning after “play button” press. And it’s all ok at play time but after recording a take > the car body and all brake calipers are present but the take doesn’t include rear wheels of the car.

It is interesting that according to the “car BP” the wheels should spawn first and then the brake calipers. The order of wheel spawning (according BP) is shown in the picture but wheel 2 and 4 are missing in the take. (UE 5.3)

Paulogabe1, has you found any solution?

Hey, I haven’t found any concrete solution only workarounds for different scenarios.

But what’s crazy is that I’m also creating a racing game/cinematic with the same mclaren car although with a different color.

What I do sometimes is spawn each body part twice, so that if the first one doesn’t get captured, the second one probably will. Downside of that of course, is performance. But you can just revert it once you are done capturing. Then you can delete the excess components from the sequence later if it happened to capture both.

You can also spawn each component with a new actor each time and attach the actors to your main actor.

This is just one of the many bugs/limitations of the take recorder → sequencer workflow along with not capturing audio or niagara that is not attached to anything.

Actually, I work on portfolio. I like modelling, texturing, working on materials, vfx and animation (and I mean not only environment animation but character animation > and that for such abilities as rigging and skinning are necessary too). So, 3D graphic is my passion, but as you can think in case of so many interests my skills at each one of mentioned disciplines are rather not so good…

I created McLaren from the top picture according to a tutorial in 3ds Max. I followed the lessons in part of making the carbody, if I had followed the lesson in creating the tires, so I would use cylinders with bump or normal maps but I thought, I know MaxScript, why not try to make a universal script for tire creation, where you use a 3D tire tread and the script builds for you the whole tire after a button press. And done… but it is hard to stop and you think a script for tires is good, so a script for a brake wheel (actually a disc with holes) would be not superfluous too. It is not hard to make it via the use of boolean operations but it breaks the topology of the model and it makes it impossible to use smoothing on the corresponding model (if it needed) > so another handmade script solves the problem (disc with holes and fully made out of Quads). I improved my scripting skills: both scripts are with interface (pop-up windows with buttons, spinners, entry fields) and each consist not of one file, so for convenience I decided to package them into mzp files (self-extracted 3ds Max script archives). To make an mzp file is not a big deal but still it’s not a five-minute task, so I made a third script (based on the work of another MaxScript-enthusiast MSI) that creates from a package of working script files an auto install/uninstall script (by drag-n-drop into 3ds Max window).

Then for the car I made with RizomUV an UV layout, with Substance Painter I painted the car that it looks like in the mentioned tutorial and already in UE I made a layered material (I can’t change decals with it but all three presented layers can have any desired color > so the color of the car in the tutorial is orange, my is red).

The car from the tutorial had additional tiny screws and nuts, my model in 3ds Max have them too but I decided to make another universal solution for cases, where imported (in my case from 3ds Max) original models have many repeated parts (like screws, bolts, nails, lights, stickers etc.) and the user can actually decide to not import them with the main model and maybe add or replace them later. This time I made a BP-Widget for UE (that for I needed not only knowledge in BP scripting but also in python, as always thank you youtube) plus another MaxScript for storing position points of according parts in a file that will be later used for loading in UE with mentioned python script.

I used to think that such Tools like 3ds Max, Maya, Cinima 4D, Blender etc. are best solutions (each one has his own pros and cons) to make presentations, video clips, now days I think UE or maybe Unity suits more for such tasks. Everything I mentioned above was for the purpose to learn more for later use of this knowledge.

P.S. About your solution “spawn each body part twice” > in my case every time the same parts weren’t spawned (two rear wheels), so I made a macro that immediately deleted and respawned these two wheels at level start before record button press.