Thanks. But I am spawning the majority of my emitters that way via blueprint. But im not using that cascade emitter. Im spawning niagara systems. Does take recorder not have support for Niagara emitters yet? Especially considering Cascade is depreciating.
Having the same issue with the old particle system in UE5.3
I managed to record the particles FX using the Particle System Component in the recorded character blueprint but it plays only once as it doesn’t reset even if I call “Activate” function with bReset=true in BP.
This could be fixed by setting the particle system template to “null” and then setting it back. This will also reset the Particle System Component and it will be recorded by the Take Recorder.
If you using some fast FX that using the “Burst” spawn method in the emitter, make sure you have enough fps in the render settings. I didn’t see some of the effects due to low fps when rendering at 24fps.