Take Recorder doesn't record / display UI Widget.

Hello everyone,

So I’m using a Third Person Character as player, and HUD with custom Widget.
Everything works fine when I hit play, but now I have to record a gameplay with Take Recorder, and it just doesn’t display the widget overlay. Not in the generated sequence neither in exported image sequence with Movie REnder Queue.
Any tips on how to solve this?


Hello There,

There is a little catch, You have to Enable UI Renderer in Movie Render Que Settings in order to Render Game Widgets

I hope it Helps.

Hey, thank you so much!

In case you can help me out, I’ve just posted another question:

I’ve created a widget that is displayed perfectly in game mode (third person character).
Now I’m using Take recorder to generate a sequence from actual gameplay.
When I render that sequence from Movie Render Queue, the Widget is shown smaller, like 1280 width only.
The Widget was created with Scale Box > Canvas Panel > Some images inside Canvas.
The Scale Box is set to Scale to fit.

Any tips on how to solve this?

Thanks again!!!

It is difficult to Judge with that Information,
Can you post Screenshots of Expected Widget size shot and Resulted Widget size shot and widget Blueprint as well as Canvas Panel

This is the expected widget size, it fills a 3440 x 860 screen. This is in game mode:

This is the Widget Blueprint:

During Take Recorder, everything looks correct:

This is the resulting image from M Render Queue, the widget is rendered in 1280 x 320, centered.

I’ve tried to change this in editor preferences, but didn’t help:

Thanks for any help!

By the way, the widget has several images with render target materials. Those white lines are just some guidelines, I’m going to hide them in final render.
It’s a cinematic for led screens in a live concert project.

Let me Replicate the Issue,
I will Response back in some time

Meanwhile I think it might be cause by Anchors

Ok thanks, I’ll take a look on that
I’m pretty new to widgets.
Thank you.

I am back with my Results,
It was indeed caused by anchors.

Here is my Setup, Little bit Different, I am using Canvas Panel (With Fill Screen as Size) First then Size Box as Child and Followed by Horizontal Box and Images.

Before Setting Anchor Properly it was stretching UI in Movie Render Que but not on Viewport

However after Setting Anchors Properly (Setting it to Fill and Adjusting Size) it was Perfect (400px Height and 1920px width) as it was on Viewport and Movie Render Que

Here is Viewport Screenshot

And Here is Result of Movie Render Que after

I hope it Helps