Tags cannot be used to discover games

Currently tags cannot be used to discover games. The algorithm will only return popular experiences. And it returns just a very short list of games.

Tags cannot be mixed with words from description.

I thought 2.0 economy would allow more people to join creator space and allow their maps to be discovered. But it seems it is more like 1.0 economy and it only matters how many followers you have.

I propose that the tag search is improved so it is fair to everyone and each map has a chance to display in relevant rails.

Let’s limit the number of curated or preferred items to 3-5 and the rest items will be in random order. And it should load more game titles dynamically.

Document some of the tags, so it is clear what they mean. I saw “collection”, “moving” tags and a lot other they should be explained.

I have a map which is tagged and was only available in some rails last year when it was updated. This year it is never displayed anywhere There might be a serious issue with Discover

I really hope the algorithm is updated to consider the existing maps.

@latunda Thank you for your feedback. While I cannot guarantee a response, I can confirm that this has been forwarded to the appropriate team.