Tag system for the Battle Royale Chest is not working.

I want to change the placement of Chests in each round.

Following this link (Gameplay Tags), I tried to implement this by using the tag system to search for Chests with assigned tags and then dispose of some of them. Here’s the code.

using { /Fortnite.com/Devices }
using { /Verse.org/Simulation }
using { /Verse.org/Random }
using { /Verse.org/Simulation/Tags }

chest := class(tag){}

chest_manager := class(creative_device):

    AvailableChestProb:float = 0.3

        ChestActors := GetCreativeObjectsWithTag(chest{})
        Print("Chests Count : {ChestActors.Length}")
        for (ChestActor : ChestActors, Chest := creative_prop[ChestActor]) :
            if (GetRandomFloat(0.0,1.0) >= AvailableChestProb) :

However, when I actually run this, I encounter a problem where the count of ChestActors remains at 0. When I take any prop from the content browser, assign the same tag, and run it, it counts correctly. Why doesn’t the tag system work properly with Chests?
(The other chests in the chest gallery in the device folder have the same problem.)

Additionally, I want to limit some of the items (bandages, cabbages, etc.) that come out of the Chest, but there are no parameters in the Chest actor to adjust this. Is there any way to manipulate the combination of items that come out of the box?