Tabs glitched

Hello! I am new to Unreal Engine and I have been having an issue and I do not know how to fix it. Every time I open something, my tabs glitch and turn into this. This converts over to other projects as well, and it is really annoying since when re open assets, it does it again. I also cant click the tabs behind the other tabs.

Screenshot 2024-04-01 103221

I have reinstalled Unreal Engine twice.
Also sorry if I asked this in the wrong place. I am new here.

Try going into the Nvidia control panel, under 3D use the ‘reset to default’ button.

Hello, thanks for the suggestion! As of right now, I haven’t tried that , however, thanks to someone in a Discord Server, I did find a fix.

You have to press ‘Window’ in the top left and then go to load layout and press “Default Editor Layout” or if you have anything custom, load that.

Hope that helped anyone that also has the issue :slight_smile:

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