I am having an issue with creating a tablet 360 view, where the tablet view moves in accordance with how the tablet is moved in reality. So far, I have managed to get it in principle to work with the following blueprint but with significant issue.
The movement is extremely jittery, even when the tablet is lying still on the table. I think it is because the ‘Get Input Motion State’ is multiplied so much (to match movement of the tablet in reality), that even minor movement when placed on the table causes the jitter.
Help is much appreciated, I am sure there is better way to do this than the blueprint I am using below:
"No code needed. You can use Get Player Controller > Get Input Motion State, and use those outputs for some nodes like Set World Rotation or Set Relative Location. Fire those nodes with Tick or a Timeline. I recommend a Timeline so you can control when it’s firing and keep it in its own little node network without having to attach it to Tick. I think Tick is icky and never needed in BPs.
Also, I found that Android tilt can be janky. So here’s my agony-saving tip for you:
Use Gravity from Get Input Motion State. With Rotation Rate, use Break Vector and check if Y (or whatever your primary axis will be, but probably Y; same for your Gravity output) is between -.1 and .1. If so, round your Gravity Y value to the nearest 10th. Otherwise, leave it be. This essentially detects if the player is “trying” to steady their aim, and smooths it. When they aren’t it lets it move naturally."
I am trying to implement this solution albeit it is a bit cryptic to me thus far.