but now I have no post-processing
You have DOF, TAA, and MB. VoronoiCapture->ShowFlags.SetTonemapper(false); Also disable bloom.
Where do I read the Bloom Intensity from in the material?
Hi TheJamish – Were you ever able to get a 1-to-1 scenecap? It’s odd that getting a RT to match viewport is a “Holy Grail” but here we are…!
I couldn’t manage it in the end I’m afraid. I tried all kinds of different settings but I couldn’t get both screens to look identical unless I replaced the tonemapper and lost bloom and all post etc in the process.
I got close, but unfortunately the post-process bloom that comes in as part of PostProcessInput2 is extremely blocky, it’s not really useable for anything unless you have Temporal AA (and even that might be a push). The other issue is that the bloom coming in is for the whole screen, so I’d still have to find a way to mask it.
I’ve decided to cut this feature from my game for now, because it’s too difficult and it’s expensive to render the entire scene twice (despite disregarding half the pixels :() - so I won’t be putting any more effort into this for now!
Thanks for the update, very good to know.