Systematic crash on reconstruction on last RC


After installing last version of RC (PPI), I’m trying to make a model from aerial views…

Aligning pictures is ok, with a pretty good result.  But when trying reconstruction (normal or high details), It aalways crashes after one or two minutes…I already send some reports via the software.

I tried with less pictures and alignement is still working, but reconstruction crashes all the time…Can’t do my project !

I’m on Windows 10, with two graphic cards and lastest drivers (1080ti and 2060RTX), I7-6900K, 64Go of ram.

I really need help to sort this out !


Nicolas R.

Hi again,

I tried on my ohter workstation, with the same set of images, and everything works like a charm…strange thing because I never had any issues with my main workstation. Could It be from the new presence of the Geforce 2060 RTX side by side with my old Geforce 1080 ti ?

Any help, advices ?


Nicolas R.

Same thing happening for me. I also have 2 graphics cards.


I tried disabling SLI, but 30 seconds in to Normal Reconstruction it still crashes.

Anyone got the solution?

So if I disable the second graphics card it works. There is definitely a bug if you have two more more cards installed.


we are aware that sometimes the latest drivers are causing issues during the reconstruction. Can you please try to change the driver and also try several of them?
Are you able to run the reconstruction on both graphic cards when only of is enabled?