I am new to Unreal Engine and am really struggling with getting my computer set up to run UE5 so i can begin the learning process as i constantly have the program crash.
Hey there @RoBrend69! Looks like you have a somewhat rarer workstation build on your hands, so it’s possible we’re running into a configuration issue that wouldn’t be seen to often. First thing we should do is enable the editor symbols to get a better look at the call stack itself. This video shows off how to install them and get a bit more information about UE errors. Seeing Embree and tbb12 mentioned, there may be a threading issue.
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After reviewing the video. I really think its a system configuration issue (but really not sure). Are there any resources that would steer me in the right direction as it seems that i have a unique system build. I did enable the editor symbols and will attach the log file and stack to see if that will help as a starting point.
Thanks again,
This error occurred when I tried loading a map that i installed from fab. verified that its compatible with the UE engine i am using. the individual tree meshes work/load into the level.
Unfortunately there aren’t many resources on the specific matter besides experience and community knowledge. Since your configuration is quite rare to see, this will be a bit of a learning experience.
First thing to do would be to narrow the log down to the most probable issues. We have two places we’d want to focus on here. The actual failure stack and some non-fatal warnings that came before.
[2025.01.27-02.47.00:309][ 0]LogWindows: Failed to load 'amfrt64.dll' (GetLastError=126)
[2025.01.27-02.47.00:309][ 0]LogWindows: File 'amfrt64.dll' does not exist
The non fatal error is a missing AMD graphical dll file. This could be due to the engine not be able to find it or access it, your device not having it, or having a different version than expected.
The fatal error starts with the failure of an Ensure/Assertion based on post processing, and that tracks up the stack, so indeed we can assume the issue is graphical in nature. My first thought here would be to disable all post processing and turn off AA, this is just a test but if it works it may give us the direction to look next.