System does not know what assets are already on a layer and re-imports them

Hello everyone,

I would like to report something that is not exactly a bug but since it is making my life difficult i decided to post it here.
By selecting a few actors (sprites in my case) and right clicking on a layer you can assign them them there so you can toggle visibility on or off .I have aprox 9000 sprites of a specific actor (my tiles) on one of my levels .98% of them had been already assigned to a specific layer.I had just a few that i forgot to put them there and i decided that instead of searching all over my level and adding them few at a time to do a scene outliner search,pick all of them and assign them to my layer.BIG MISTAKE!

My system is frozen for 10 minutes now. Shouldnt unreal be smart enough and not reassign ones that have been already been placed on a layer? And why is it taking so long to redo them? I suspect a garbage collection problem here.

Hey ,

I tried to reproduce this in project you sent me, but with no luck. For my test, I dropped a few 96x96_115_png sprites into level, then did a search in Scene Outliner for “96x96”, selected them all, and added them to Tiles layer (which already contained most of these sprites) using Add Selected Actors to Selected Layers. It was pretty much instantaneous on my end, in 4.5.1, 4.6, and latest 4.7. Are you following a different process?

Holla !
Did you pick all 6000 of them while you added a few hundred new ones?This happened to me when i chose about 9000 sprites and tried to re import them into same layer(tiles).I use latest 4.7 promoted.Maybe it was a one off? Dont know.Yesterday i had to kill unreal to continue working because it was stuck more than 20 minutes.

In version of project I have, there were roughly 4500 in Tiles layer. I duplicated that so it was a little over 9000 in layer. Then I grabbed a bunch of 96x96 tiles from Content Browser and added them to level (making sure they weren’t being added to Tiles layer). I ended up with over 400 new sprites in level. Then I selected everything in Scene Outliner that started with 96x96 (10060 sprites in total), and used Add Selected Actor to Selected Layers. It took about 2 seconds.

Is it possible that you accidentally moved all Actors you had selected? With that many selected, it can take a long time to finish and editor will appear to freeze during process. Otherwise, I’m not sure what about adding a large amount of Actors to a layer would cause a problem for you. Have you tried doing it again to see if same delay occurs?

I guess it was a one off.Sorry about that.Now it took only just a few seconds.Weird…If i encounter this again i will let you know.Out of curiosity why does system let you re assign assets to a different layer when they are already assigned to another one?It can cause quite a confusion if you are not careful .

It looks like you posted a reply, but I can’t see it for some reason. Would you mind reposting?

?? Where did my answer go??

I wasnt able to reproduce it so i am sorry for false alarm and if i encounter it again i will let you know.Weird…

Out of curiosity why does system let us have same actors on 2 or more layers at same time?In some situations it can be a little nit confusing.

Heh, I have no idea what happened with your answer, might be an AnswerHub bug.

I’m glad it’s working for you. Please do let us know if it happens again. My guess is still that something got moved or duplicated when you had a lot of actors selected, and that caused a massive slowdown.

Layers system is mostly an organizational tool, letting you set up different selections of Actors in your scene. According to documentation, “An Actor can be in as many layers as you want. This might be useful if you have different sets of Actors that fall under overlapping layers. For instance, you could organize your layers by assigning everything within a particular zone to one layer and have another layer comprised of all doors in your level.”

I found this confusing at first, mostly because I was used to Photoshop idea of Layers, but while they share same name they function very differently. I’ve come to find this tool very useful for maintaining sanity when trying to work only with assets that fall under certain specified criteria, and limiting an Actor to only one Layer would undermine tool’s capabilities.