I’m trying out UE 5.5 Preview. The game project (ported from 5.3) compiles just fine. However I can not get an automation tool to compile. Anyone already got this issue and solved it? I already set allow long paths in Windows Registry to true. I saw some older posts where no packages can be resolved but here it seems to be just this one.
NETSDK1064|Package System.Data.DataSetExtensions, version 4.5.0 was not found. It might have been deleted since NuGet restore. Otherwise, NuGet restore might have only partially completed, which might have been due to maximum path length restrictions.|RunMutableCommandlet.Automation|C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\8.0.400\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.PackageDependencyResolution.targets
I do not know if this fix is a good idea, but at least it compiles. I removed the reference of System.Data.DataSetExtension from Programs/Automation/Gauntlet.Automation. For this to work I had to disable read-only on a bunch of files in Gauntlet.Automation and RunMutableCommandletAutomation. It will complain which ones, so just choose those complaining. After that i set System.Data.DataSetExtension from Programs/Automation/Gauntlet.Automation reference on RunMutableCommandlet.Automation. Additionally I had to fix a c# compiler error of an script with a changed property name.
I have the same problem as you as well even when 5.5 is out officially but honestly i am not sure how to solve it, i tried doing what you guys said but i couldn’t get to solve it (guessing i did something wrong)
Then, to ensure every thing is OK, right click on Solution in VisualStudio and press “Restore Nuget Package”. It should echo “All packages are already installed and there is nothing to restore.”
My Feeling:
the nuget management feel it may “double check” that every thing is up to date but early fail as the file are ReadOnly. In a way of “Ok! It would be impossible for me to make the update as the files are ReadOnly!”. Even, in reality there is nothing to update.
Thanks, but your solution didn’t work. When I selected all the checkboxes and clicked “Install,” an error message appeared saying “NETSDK1064: system.data.DatasetExtensions not found,” and the installation stopped.
After doing what Alexander Semenko says, I still had the RunMutableCommandlet problem, which is solved by following the post of @Godiokun . Thanks guys for sparing us nasty debug time
Package System.Data.DataSetExtensions, version 4.5.0 was not found. It might have been deleted since NuGet restore. Otherwise, NuGet restore might have only partially completed, which might have been due to maximum path length restrictions.
Thanks for this. I’m just getting into C++ in Unreal Engine after many years of Unity C#, and was pulling my hair out from not being able to build a fresh project. This seems to have fixed it.
I think specifically hitting restore NuGet packages might have helped, as simply removing read-only and then building did not work at first.