After upgrading to 4.11, I lose system audio whenever I launch the editor. The editor itself still produces sound but things like Chrome or system sounds do not produce any audio. Closing UE4 restores audio to the rest of the computer immediately.
Note: This seems linked to the USB A/D converter (nuforce udac) since this issue does not occur when I set the internal computer speakers as my default device.
Strange, we’ve not heard any other reports of anything like this happening. The audio engine platform API we’re using for PC (XAudio2) hasn’t changed between 4.11 and previous versions so it’s super puzzling that something like this would happen. And to be honest, I don’t even know how this could possibly happen without some kernel-level audio coding or kernel-level audio driver bugs. Are you aware of any 3rd party audio DLLs which may be hooking into UE4? If so, what would they be? Is this Nuforce thing running driver software which could be hooking into Ue4? Does it still happen if you uninstall it or use a different audio device?
This issue was also occurring in Wwise the same way it’s occurring in UE4.11 currently but once I changed the audio settings in Wwise to DirectSound, the issue went away. I didn’t see any options like this in UE4 so I couldn’t attempt a similar fix.
I know that Wwise Plug-In integration came with 4.11 so perhaps something with that relationship caused this issue?
The only other audio device I’ve tried is the systems default audio device which is the computers internal speaker. The issue did not occur with default system audio. I also tried a new Nuforce uDAC we had on-site and the issue still occurred.
Are you using wWise plugin with UE4 and noticing with that?
We are not using the plug-in currently. I’m almost positive it’s something funky with the interface I was using but it is odd that it occurred in conjunction with our 4.11 integration.
I’ve switched to a different audio interface and the issue is gone. I am no longer in need of help but if you want to get to the bottom of it, I’d be happy to keep trying things out to figure out what happened. I’m sure you guys are busy as heck so feel free to move on to other issues!
Thanks a bunch guys.
Thanks 8ighty6ix, but I wouldn’t worry about it. It’s a wild west of audio devices, drivers, dlls, platforms, etc. Since this is the only report I’ve heard of this issue, it’s likely a fault with the specific driver and not worth looking deeply into it.