I am currently using a Bentley software which is called as synchro 4D, which creates animations for construction simulations, the idea to apply unreal is to get better output. Using Itwins from Bentley an Imodel is created, which is then used through an itwins exporter for datasmith , to create 101,381 Meshes and 1 Animation plus one .udatasmith file. Which is taking forever to open, can anyone advise me on how to make this process of importing fast, I tried for 24 hours, to no avail.
make a view with things that are not animated and export all as a combined mesh in one datasmith file
make a view with animated element and export that as non-combined mesh in a second datasmith file
import the two datasmith file in UE.
Like this you preserve separated actors for animation while bundling as many mesh as possible for the environment.
Then you can do something smarter as exporting your scene in more chunks of combined mesh, chunk being cut base on 3d position so that you still benefit from some culling.