Synching Multiple Landscapes

Hey Guys,
I’m using several landscape pieces to form our large open world map. When sculpting the terrain near the borders where two landscape pieces meet, I can only edit one terrain or the other at a time so can’t seem to get the terrain shape I want without gaps/tears between them. Even if I parent them together they are not in synch when sculpting the terrain. Is there an obvious trick to get this to work I’m missing?


You should create one big landscape that covers your world and then subdivide it to pieces. In that case you will still be able to edit them seamlessly.

Look at Move Level tool here:

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I would give you 3 Up votes if I could because you not only solved my problem, you solved two others I hadn’t asked about yet! Epic staff, doling out the psychic support! Kudos mate, thanks

Dd I don’t want to confine to that option as I believe and it even proves in minutes when saving, loading or building the map when you have it in chunks. I absolutely would love it if you guys could make that feature possible where the landscapes can be selected and synched as DarkRider was saying.

This is my first time ever having to write in the forums, so I believe I know what I’m doing being a beginner Game Designer - level editing.

I didn’t even think about deleting one part, thanks