I built the editor from the source code and it worked a few times in linux. now i get this error and dont know how to fix
[2017.10.17-19.46.50:901][ 0]LogHAL: Linux SourceCodeAccessSettings: NullSourceCodeAccessor
./UE4Editor: symbol lookup error: /home//unreal/sourcecode/UnrealEngine-release/UnrealEngine-release/Engine/Plugins/Editor/GameplayTagsEditor/Binaries/Linux/libUE4Editor-GameplayTagsEditor.so: undefined symbol: _ZN38UContentBrowserFrontEndFilterExtension21GetPrivateStaticClassEPKw
the error is: symbol lookup error, undefined symbol
the file is: libUE4Editor-GameplayTagsEditor.so
i checked the file location and also tried LD_PRELOAD={path of libUE4Editor-GameplayTagsEditor.so}
Any ideas on how to fix,
i am thinking worst case scenario just rebuild the entire editor and project.
is there an option to do a source code clean and make in linux without having to re-download any content
i have a poor net connection.