Switching Third Person animations to First Person

I am trying to make a First Person Perspective game but the animations that are in the first person shooter example map are not very good and are unusable for my needs. However the third person animations from the marketplace in the animation starter pack are highly detailed and much more functional. Is there a way to change the animations so that they work on the FPS arms?


If you want to use the Third Person Character blueprint instead of the First Person Character blueprint, you can just switch them out. If you need the Third Person Character blueprint to look more like a First Person Character, but you want the whole body to be there, then you simply just need to move the camera around and angle it the way you need it for your game. You may also need to add in some additional animations in for the character if you’re trying to set your character up to hold weapons or cast magic, etc.

Another way you can attempt this is to migrate the Third Person Character blueprint and skeletal mesh over, and just exchange the skeletal mesh that’s in the First Person Character blueprint for the Third Person Character skeletal mesh, and that would work too.

I hope this information helps you. If you have any further questions, please let us know. Have a great weekend! :slight_smile:

My main issue is if I just use the Third Person Character and its blueprints in the first person perspective the animations jostle the camera in unwanted ways. I want to use the animations of the Third Person Character but have it only affect the arms. I tried to change the mesh in the Anim blueprint for the third person character but it seemed to be grayed out and unchangeable.


I apologize for the time it’s taken to respond to your post. I have looked into this further and it seems that you have two possible resolutions for this.

The first would be to go into the ThirdPersonCharacter blueprint and use the nodes ‘Hide Bones by Name’ and ‘Un-Hide Bones by Name’. Using this will allow you to hide the bones attached to skinned meshes.

Another way you can attempt to do this is to use a filter node (layered blend) to only copy the animation onto the arms. Keep in mind that this method will only work if the two meshes you’re using are compatible skeletons.

I hope this information helps you achieve the goal you’re looking for.