I believe I have found a bug with the ARSession in Unreal. Essentially, I am trying to switch between an AR mode and a non-AR mode. To reproduce this issue, all you have to do is create the AR demo app in Unreal. Add a new Map and inside the map all you really need is a light and a cube and or a plane and set them so that it should be in front of the camera when the level begins. You can test this by playing the scene in the editor. The other thing you need to do is inside of the level BP under begin play add a PauseARSession node and be sure to add this map to the cooked directory. Inside of the BP_ARPawn go to the Input Touch node and add an Open Level node at the beginning of it with the name of the new level. You’ll also want to override the new levels gamemode to gamemode base.
Now you should be able to launch the app, and test it.
Now, one of two things happen:
Whenever the second level gets loaded. The world coordinates become messed up and the camera doesn’t point toward the 0,0,0 position in the scene but, it points to some arbitrary angle and position based off of where the Pawn was at when it was destroyed.
For some reason, the previous camera does not get destroyed when changing scenes and transfers to the next overriding the new pawn.
I set up a folder on Github with the content folder set up already. GitHub - dtb49/UnrealBugAR-NonAR: This is a sample project with a possible bug found using 4.19. When switching from the AR scene to the non-AR scene the previous camera is either not destroyed or the world coordinates become messed up.