Switching Cameras


I’m working on a 2.5D game using the third person starter content with a fixed camera. In my world I’ve placed a shop that has a trigger volume allowing the player to press a key (in this case E) to enter. I’ve placed the interior of this shop elsewhere on the map with an NPC blueprint that has a camera of it’s own.

What I would like to do it have the player press E and then be switched to the NPC shop camera but I cannot seem to get it to work. What happens is the camera actually switches from an external view to an internal view on the player.

I’ve placed the logic for this shop inside the level blueprint. In the screenshot I’ve provided, I’ve cut off the first part of the flow because it switches on point lights and stuff which is working fine, it’s the latter part past the GATE which is supposed to switch the camera and isn’t working.

Level Blue Print

  • Ok so starting from here there the key press tied to a gate.
  • If that succeeds then we print a string for the sake of debugging to say the key was pressed.
  • I then set the view target with blend
  • Referencing the current player controller as the target and the NPC shop actor as the new target which is the NPC Blueprint which also has the camera in it.

The problem is that when I press E on that trigger volume the camera switches from


When is should be switching to the camera which is in the shop that looks like this:

Can anyone assist me with where I’ve gone wrong here?

Can you plug the “Pressed E” directly into the SET_VIEW_TARGET_WITH_BLEND and see what happens?

I have no idea what the other nodes are doing, but I want to make sure that the camera you’re referencing is the correct one.

If you are still unsuccessful, create an empty blueprint and add a camera actor to it. If you can switch between the two cameras, then:

  1. Your original camera reference is incorrect.


  1. Your preceding code is incorrect.