Switching Active Cameras Causes Blueprint to lose Input?

Hey all,

I’m having a really strange issue when I switch between camera’s in my Pawn blueprint. I currently have a tank that has a 3rd person view, but I’m trying to add in a 1st person view as well. So, I have two cameras in the blueprint and change which is active, which almost works.

When switching to the 1st person camera, the tank turret loses input after a short amount of time. switching back and forth resets this but still loses input in 1st person. However, I’ve noticed angling the camera allows it to keep its input, or at least prolong it keeping its input? (As shown in video attached).

I find it REALLY strange and don’t know what’s causing this, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Video showing issue:

Animation BP setup

Animation BP setup Anim graph

BP Setup

BP Event graph