Switchboard and Composure

Hi All,

Wondering if anyone has any insight on running an LED wall with Switchboard and nDisplay.

I’ve got a setup that runs well, we have one Switchboard control machine as well as 3 nDisplay machines. The LED wall was setup prior to me being involved and it all runs very well and as expected.

We’re trying to implement a new machine for Composure into the mix and I’ve got far, but am stuck. The new machine is in the environment and visible, however when I go to use it it’s the only machine that comes up with this error.

"Failed to open descriptor file …/…/…/…/“filepath to a .uproject”.

In my searching, information comes up but it’s always to preinstalled, pre built games. The solution is usually to reinstall the game. This is actually spawning the error from an Engine based project, but there doesn’t seem to be any information about it that way.

Is anyone using Switchboard to run an XR stage, have you come across this issue?

