Switchboard 4.27 errors

There seems to be some issue with Switchboard on one machine, not clear on whats up yet, however it seems to be quit a nasty bug.

on 4.27 ndisplay project, opening Switchboard on one of the machines (good spec) it opens the shell, runs some lines, but then disappears. About 5-10 mins later the GPU will crash with errors and also screwing up the desktop. Meantime, the Switchboard UI had not presented itself.

Have sent the crash reports, however if anyone knows of a fix to get Switchboard open it would be great.

Edit: The crash is not solved, but Switchboard opens now after some follow up. By going to the switchboard.bat file (Engine/Plugins/VirtualProduction/Switchboard) and adjusting to add quotes around a few lines, as it seems it was not liking me ‘Program Files’

Change lines such as
call %_enginePythonPlatformDir%\python.exe -m venv %_pyVenvDir%
call “%_enginePythonPlatformDir%\python.exe” -m venv “%_pyVenvDir%”

Error from the log in case it brings anyone else here:

[2021.06.16-23.22.18:942][ 0]LogRenderer: Reallocating scene render targets to support 1512x768 Format 10 NumSamples 1 (Frame:2).
[2021.06.16-23.22.18:998][ 1]Live Link: Applied ‘LiveLinkPreset /Game/NewLiveLinkPreset.NewLiveLinkPreset’
[2021.06.16-23.22.19:012][ 1]LogDisplayClusterProjectionSimple: Initializing internals for the viewport ‘VP_0’
[2021.06.16-23.22.19:012][ 1]LogDisplayClusterProjectionSimple: Initializing screen geometry for viewport policy proj_VP_0
[2021.06.16-23.22.19:012][ 1]LogDisplayClusterProjectionSimple: Initializing internals for the viewport ‘VP_1’
[2021.06.16-23.22.19:012][ 1]LogDisplayClusterProjectionSimple: Initializing screen geometry for viewport policy proj_VP_1
[2021.06.16-23.22.19:045][ 1]LogSlate: Took 0.000189 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font ‘…/…/…/Engine/Content/Slate/Fonts/DroidSansMono.ttf’ (77K)
[2021.06.16-23.22.19:210][ 2]Live Link: (01) Can’t evaluate frame for ‘REtrackerPose’. No data was available.
[2021.06.16-23.22.40:038][110]ModuleLog: Warning: HandleReceiveData - CameraSubject
[2021.06.16-23.23.09:178][576]LogEditorViewport: Clicking on Actor (LMB): StaticMeshActor (Floor)
[2021.06.16-23.23.10:633][743]LogEditorViewport: Clicking on Actor (LMB): CineCameraActor (CineCameraActor1)
[2021.06.16-23.23.34:282][886]LogAudioMixer: Warning: Changing default audio render device to new device: {}.{42c979e9-dcda-458a-81c5-5886d4b5f562}.
[2021.06.16-23.23.34:418][886]LogD3D12RHI: Error: CommandQueue->Signal(FenceCore->GetFence(), FenceToSignal) failed
at D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/D3D12RHI/Private/Windows/WindowsD3D12Fence.cpp:22

[2021.06.16-23.23.34:418][886]LogD3D12RHI: Error: [GPUBreadCrumb] Last tracked GPU operations:
[2021.06.16-23.23.34:418][886]LogD3D12RHI: Error: [GPUBreadCrumb] 3D Queue 0 - Begin: Frame 7882 - Scene - PostProcessing - EnqueueCopy(EyeAdaptation)
[2021.06.16-23.23.34:418][886]LogD3D12RHI: Error: [GPUBreadCrumb] Compute Queue 0 - No Data
[2021.06.16-23.23.34:418][886]LogD3D12RHI: Error: [GPUBreadCrumb] Copy Queue 0 - No Data
[2021.06.16-23.23.34:418][886]LogD3D12RHI: Error: DRED: No PageFault data.
[2021.06.16-23.23.39:872][886]LogWindows: Error: Error reentered: Fatal error: [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/D3D12RHI/Private/D3D12Util.cpp] [Line: 684]
CommandQueue->Signal(FenceCore->GetFence(), FenceToSignal) failed
at D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/D3D12RHI/Private/Windows/WindowsD3D12Fence.cpp:22

[2021.06.16-23.23.42:080][886]LogWindows: FPlatformMisc::RequestExit(0)
[2021.06.16-23.23.42:080][886]LogWindows: FPlatformMisc::RequestExitWithStatus(0, 0)
[2021.06.16-23.23.42:080][886]LogCore: Engine exit requested (reason: Win RequestExit)
[2021.06.16-23.23.42:080][886]LogWindows: FPlatformMisc::RequestExit(1)
[2021.06.16-23.23.42:080][886]LogWindows: FPlatformMisc::RequestExitWithStatus(1, 3)
[2021.06.16-23.23.42:080][886]LogCore: Engine exit requested (reason: Win RequestExit; note: exit was already requested)
[2021.06.16-23.23.42:083][886]Log file closed, 06/17/21 01:23:42

Not sure if related but I’m also experiencing issues with nDisplay and Switchboard.
After launching it, it loads, my viewport appears but black, and then it closes.

I guess we’ll have to wait for Preview 3 or the final build ^^

Check the log file in the Saved folder of your project, it could be a resolution issue thats causing it or if the ndisplay node is trying to write to a project file thats in use

Also preview 4 seems more friendly so far.

i’m waiting for anwser too