Switch to a second third person camera using a trigger volume

Hello, I am trying to use a different camera position and rotation when player enters a trigger (auto adjust camera), so my idea was duplicating the existing character camera , change some parameters(rotation, distance, etc.) and enable it when players enter a determined trigger, but I can not use the camera in the level blueprint since is inside the character blueprint , and can not create an “on player begins overlap” event for that trigger inside the character blueprint, any ideas on how to achive this?
thank you all in advance :slight_smile:

I hope I understand what you are trying to achieve correctly.

You can create a blueprint actor that has the trigger collision. Lets call is “BP_Trigger_SwitchCamera”
Then in that blueprint (BP_Trigger_SwitchCamera) you put a “On overlap begin” on the collision, then cast to the player character blueprint.
Then get a custom event you created on the character.
Example, custom event “switch camera”.
Then in the “switch camera” custom event, that is in the character, switch the camera.

Hello ThatLittleSpider, thank you very much for replying :cool:, I will try what you suggested and post here my results :slight_smile:

Hello , this is where I am now, what should I use as object? sorry, I am kind of a noob with BP :stuck_out_tongue: , thanks for the help :slight_smile:

It worked!!! thanks ThatLittleSpider!!!
this is How it looks now:

Now I wonder How to make a soft transition between them :confused: I will search for that one, thank you again!!