I am trying to build a strategy game and I have set up a “bird eye” blueprint as a pawn that is controlled by the Player Controller (WASD keys) to look down into the level.
Now I want to implement the following behavior:
When the user clicks a building, I want to use a camera that is defined in the blueprint of the building and I want to deactivate any controls that are available in the bird eye. E.g. no WASD movement, no click on buildings.
I was able to activate the building camera by calling the “SetViewTargetWithBlend” in the Player Controller. But when I unpossess the bird eye, the camera gets reset to a horizon view. I assume it is not intended for the Player Controller to have no pawn being possessed.
So what are the options? Should I make any building a pawn so the player controller can possess it? That seems to be a bit counter-intuitive but might work.
Also I was thinking if I should replace the “TopDownPlayerController” with a new player controller that is only responsible for the “in-building” view. This way it would be easy to disable any controls that are not available from inside a building. Or is the Player Controller intended to live forever?
I am worried I would come up with a solution that works against the Unreal concepts, as I am still learning.
Thanks in advance