Switch placed Actors with foliage tool counterpart.

I have a bunch of hand placed Actors ( trees ) which I want to transfer over to use the foliage tool system. Is this possible?

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See my answer from today :slight_smile:

Oof, same day post too. Not sure why I didnt see this thread when I searched the forums, thank you for the link :slight_smile:
I tried this method and successfully created a second InstancedFoliageActor in my level, but it doesn’t look like it’s editable in Foliage Mode which is something I need :frowning:

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You can move them around before batching them?

I just checked, you can move them around after batching too :slight_smile:

( just like a normal actor, don’t use the foliage tool )

Ah you’re right, thanks ClockworkOcean!

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Are you positive? Its likely not the same at all.
Foliage partitions its instances in a very different eay than HISM did in prior engine versions.
Its built on the assumption that large amounts of instances would be aggregated to reduce drawcalls.
HISM were not.

I can’t say I agree with this. Unless things in the new enginen have changed drastically - which they could have with nanite and all…

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Not at all. I thought foliage was HISM.

I only meant in the scope of this example.

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It pretty much is just a HISM, the FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent is a small class that’s derived from HISM:


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Theres got to be something else which works in conjunction with the specific class to aggregate and cull foliage - or the groupings between the 2 would not be different as they are (were in .22 at least).

Could also just be how the engine treats the class itself (culling being an internal process of the engine), or how the rendering pipeline treats the class itself.