Switch Footstepsound on Texture instead of material


I’m working on some footstep sound implementation in Ue4 using Wwise, and I currently have it set up so I can switch sounds based on Physical Material assigned on Material Instances. The game I am working with was made with a single MI_Landscape with various textures to switch between for grass and dirt. I’m unsure how to break my footstep switch into the different textures here so I can get the correct sound to play. Currently I have a single Physical Material applied to the whole MI_Landscape. Is there a way to switch based off the the texture instead of material?

Niagara can give you the red channel back for a given texture. During update, you can use the SampleTexture module. It’s quite easy to copy it and make a change to give you the red channel.

You can pass the UV coord from BP to Niagara, and there’s a callback event you can setup in Niagara to send back the red channel to the BP. ExportNiagaraParticleData, I think it’s called.

Sending data

Sending data back