
Hi all!

What would be the best solution for switching/blending the player camera (‘FirstPersonCamera’) to a camera inside a blueprint class?
I want to change the camera for a closeup for a combinationlock (see image below) but the “Set View target with Blend” is only working in the level blueprint, right?!

Is this even possible or would it be better to simply move/set/manipulate the ‘FirstPersonCamera’ transform?

Hope someone can help!


Hey there, the Set View Target with blend should work to go from the player’s camera to the object’s camera if it’s linear movement.

“Set View Target with Blend” is for me only working in the LevelBlueprint. I tried it without the LevelBlueprint but that didn’t work! What am I doing wrong?

You have to show me how you are using it.

It works! It blends from the character camera to the specific blueprint camera. I must have made a mistake somewhere… Thank you for your help xlar8or!

Good to know, please mark the answer as correct to close it :slight_smile: