Swarm Won't build. Index was out of range

During the build of a larger level I ran into the following error when building the lighting.

3:37:59 PM: [Interface:OpenChannel]
Index was out of range. Must be
non-negative and less than the size of
the collection. Parameter name:
startIndex at
argument, ExceptionResource resource)
at System.BitConverter.ToInt32(Byte
value, Int32 startIndex) at
ChannelName, EChannelFlags

This happens regardless of Engine Version. Regardless of what I take out of the level. I’ve even tried migrating the map to another file that has no issues. The issue manafests no matter what I do.

I’m using 4 machines all running the following specs.

  • Intel i7 5960 extreme 3.0ghz
  • 64 Gigs of RAM
  • GPU - Titan X

Please help!

You were able to fix this?

Same problem

4.18.3, same issue.
I found a solution, which I thought unbelivable. I had nothing to do but tried it, which WORKED!!!

Illusionray’s solution worked fine for me.
I opened an empty project with ue4.16 download from epic launcher.Open a new level, build lighting, and opened my project which had lighting building issue, builded lighting directly without closing the Swarm.Then it worked.

I thought the bug is caused by ue4editor connecting to swarm timed out.

Please remember building lighting for other maps in the same project doesn’t work, you have to open other project.

already cleaned cache, not works for me.

I always go to swarm agent - cache - clean and then it works for me. But that’s when i get the “index out of range error” Maybe it’s not the same issue.

Deleting and re-importing the Light Mass Importance fixed this error for me.