Swapping between first person and top-down controller

I’m running into a strange problem when I change levels to the Overworld, which used a top down controller. Initially, it works fine and smoothly, i can click to move and rotate/pitch the camera… But when I enter a city/village/battle then return to the overworld, I can’t control the character at all. (Unless i double-click), then i can move, but that isnt what i want.
What could possibly be making this happen?

Your Question Title doesnt say what you actually meant. we dont know how you are transporting player from to city etc and returning to overworld. but still try experimenting with the Show Mouse node and the Set Input Mode Game And UI node. maybe that helps

The title gets the general idea of what I’m doing across, and the description clarifies - that’s what most titles do on here.
When I enter a location, it opens a different level. When I leave the location, the overworld is loaded in again.
And I’ve tried setting game mode and ui mode (and both game and ui), and the mouse is always showing… it doesnt make sense to me even when I have tried all of those that it would still not work properly


Does this help?
