As I understand it, Development Editor and DebugGame Editor should result in the same config being compiled for the Engine/Editor (Development) where as the game code would be compiled in Develop or Debug respectively. This does seem to be the case anyway.
However swapping between those configs doesn’t simply cause a recompile of your game, it recompiles the engine editor as well every time you switch regardless of weather of not you’ve made any changes to the engine.
Which would be fine if rebuilding in debug mode always just worked. Any idea why the debug editor wouldn’t work? I’ve solved the problem in the past with GenerateProjectFiles and then rebuilding the editor sans project files. This time, that hasn’t worked. I’m going to try rebuilding the editor in debuggame mode. There is something quite awkward about this seeming conflict between projects, editor modes and sometimes also engine builds.
What version of the Engine are you using? If you upgrade to 4.3, you should see a significant decrease in build times when compared to previous versions of the Engine.