Swapchain exception while opening the unreal editor.

I was trying to open ue5 editor with the engine version 5.3.2 release from github.
There was no compile errors while building it.

I also checked whether there are any problems in the DX12 api installed in my os with ‘dxdiag’, but the log said there is no problem in the installed version.

While it was okay to open unreal editor with precompiled binary version downloaded from epic games launcher, I’m always failing to open the editor with source build version.

Here is the code snippet where i got the exception.
By using the debugger in visual studio, i checked some variables are nullptr after trying to create swapchain.

  • Swapchain1 is nullptr
  • Swapchain had a reference value, but initialized to nullptr again in the conditional block.
  • DXGISwapchainProvider is nullptr

TRefCountPtr<IDXGISwapChain> SwapChain;

HRESULT hr = DXGISwapchainProvider ?
	DXGISwapchainProvider->CreateSwapChain(Factory2, CommandQueue, &SwapChainDesc, SwapChain.GetInitReference()) :
	Factory2->CreateSwapChain(CommandQueue, &SwapChainDesc, SwapChain.GetInitReference());

if (FAILED(hr))
	UE_LOG(LogD3D12RHI, Warning, TEXT("Failed to create swapchain with the following parameters:"));
	UE_LOG(LogD3D12RHI, Warning, TEXT("\tDXGI_MODE_DESC: width: %d height: %d DXGI format: %d"), SwapChainDesc.BufferDesc.Width, SwapChainDesc.BufferDesc.Height, SwapChainDesc.BufferDesc.Format);
	UE_LOG(LogD3D12RHI, Warning, TEXT("\tBack buffer count: %d"), NumBackBuffers);
	UE_LOG(LogD3D12RHI, Warning, TEXT("\tWindows handle: 0x%x (IsWindow: %s)"), WindowHandle, IsWindow(WindowHandle) ? TEXT("true") : TEXT("false"));
	UE_LOG(LogD3D12RHI, Warning, TEXT("\tFullscreen: %s"), bIsFullscreen ? TEXT("true") : TEXT("false"));
	UE_LOG(LogD3D12RHI, Warning, TEXT("\tSwapchain flags: %d"), SwapChainFlags);
	UE_LOG(LogD3D12RHI, Warning, TEXT("\tCustom swapchain provider: %s"), DXGISwapchainProvider ? DXGISwapchainProvider->GetProviderName() : TEXT("none"));



Then on the macro ‘FAILED(hr)’ :

I have also a crash with the swapchain when I using DLSS
don’t think is the same but problem did you fix your problem ,
maybe you can give me some advice to find my problem ?
Have a nice day.

UnrealEditor_StreamlineD3D12RHI!FStreamlineD3D12RHI::APIErrorHandler() [Y:\_stage\plugin\Plugins\Streamline\HostProject\Plugins\Streamline\Source\StreamlineD3D12RHI\Private\StreamlineD3D12RHI.cpp:459]
sl_interposer!`sl::interposer::DXGISwapChain::Present'::`2'::<lambda_1>::operator()() [C:\yE9waPmFN\0\streamline\sdk\source\core\sl.interposer\dxgi\dxgiSwapchain.cpp:247]
sl_interposer!sl::interposer::DXGISwapChain::Present() [C:\yE9waPmFN\0\streamline\sdk\source\core\sl.interposer\dxgi\dxgiSwapchain.cpp:274]